Negative G Force Rollercoaster Tycoon


CoasterNegative G Force Rollercoaster Tycoon

How To Get Negative G Force On Roller Coaster Tycoon

I'm pretty sure this game isn't about realism and hasn't got to be 100% realistic, but I hope an Improved Physics is an Intention of the new Game.
As I saw in the first Gameplay of PAX I realized the Example Coaster has all ratings to 100% but the Coaster was quite unrealistic and could potentially be a pain to ride. The coaster was banked downhill and had a sharp change from downwards to upwards which would cause high punctual G's.
My point is that Ratings get lower or even mark the ride as painful when the ride is unrealistic depended how unrealistic it is.
Some important Points:
Downratings at-
-fast changes in G-Force
-negative vertical G-Forces(-2 and less)
-high lateral G-Forces at fast speed
-low avg speed(slow over 25% of the coaster compared to time, height and duration)
-too slow Inversions (like, really slow)
-near placed Objects/scenery (head choppers)
-lateral G-Forces during a Launch or Drop
Upratings at-
-Airtime(-1 to 1 vertical G's)
-high positive vert. G's ->If not causing Down rank
-0-G Inversions
-0-lat.G Curves
-over banked Curves
-reverse banked Curves ->If not causing Down rank
-Interacting rides(crossing, Dueling, 'High-Five' or similar sections)
-Scenery ->If not causing Down rank
-high lateral G-Forces at really slow speed (Wild Mouse)
-fast acceleration(Launch)
-long Track(if not too slow)
-many curves(Layout that is difficult to remember)
If you come up with more things tell me:3 And tell me what you think, is it good? or unnecessarily advanced?
I just figured out it'd be great if you can click on the ratings and get to a window with details which aspect influenced the coaster in what way.
For example:
+4 Airtime
+2 Length

-1 punctual high G-Force (at)
and when you click on 'at' the track piece causing the the down/uprating gets highlighted

Negative G Force Roller Coaster Tycoon 3

Negative G-Force Tolerance The human body exhibits alarming symptons at just -2gz and on a roller coaster a level higher than -1gz would be considered dangerous. At -1gz, humans exhibit a sense of pressure in their head.

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