Rollercoaster Tycoon Handyman Tips

Staffing A Park (Part 1 - Handymen and Mechanics) While there is a slight difference in the wages between RCT1 and RCT2, in either there is a pretty big incentive to have the smallest staff that you can while still keeping your guests happy.

Staffing A Park (Part 1 - Handymen and Mechanics)

While there is a slight difference in the wages between RCT1 and RCT2, in either there is a pretty big incentive to have the smallest staff that you can while still keeping your guests happy. The most important is obviously keeping your paths clean and keeping your rides running. Setting patrol areas really helps organization.

I usually hold back on hiring staff until a few months into the game, once the paths start to actually get messy, or until a ride breaks down. This gives me time to organize the rides and paths, and then set the patrol areas afterwards.

I usually don’t try to get the grids of the patrols to line up with the paths, because it ends up being more work than it’s worth. Yes, handymen don’t actually need to walk through the ride queues, but making sure that their patrol grid sticks to just paths takes way more planning than it is worth. My parks are usually very dense, and I like to keep handymen to only around 8-10 patrol squares to ensure amazingly clean pathways. In parks not as dense, or with less intense rides, they can easily control 15 blocks without guests complaining.

Mechanics are much easier to organize because they can handle many rides, and a large patrol area. I try to have a good overlap of mechanic patrol areas just in case several rides do go down at once. I usually keep my mechanics to only around 7 rides each, but then have about two or three extra rides of overlap.

Towards the end of the game, or during a quick expansion of an area of the park, not having any staff patrolling an area can get messy quick. This is why I usually have 2 free roaming at all times. If you accidentally miss an area, or if one staff’s patrol area is just a bit too large, these free roaming guys will probably save your park rating. Yes, free roaming in a large park is really inefficient, but clean paths and running rides is a fast way to get a 999 park rating, even if everyone feels sick and is running out of money.

Managing staff is a very important part of the game, and I usually like to over staff my parks to keep my guests as happy as possible by overly clean paths and extremely quick mechanics. In RCT2 the wages increased compared to RCT1, but it is still worth it to have a well staffed park over unhappy guests.

Rollercoaster tycoon handyman tips free

PS: I’ve ignored handymen mowing lawns, because everyone knows mowing is not worth it.

in RCT1 RCT2 employees handyman mechanic staff patrol patrol area

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